When All Else Fails

Mar 17, 2024    Steve Haney

We are in a series titled "The Land Between." This place can be unstable—a land of change. Change was happening rapidly before the pandemic, but now it seems that change is occurring at lightning speed: change in politics, technology, global order, and culture. All these changes create a sense of anxiety. Let’s face it, "The Land Between" is full of uneasiness and conflict. We are not where we were, and we have not arrived where we are going. God often uses "The Land Between" to help us develop into more mature Christ followers.

"The Land Between" is the space that exists between two realities. You might recognize it as a place called the gray zone, desert, or wilderness, or perhaps you call it walking through a storm. "The Land Between" is often cloudy and sometimes hauntingly quiet. It is often a seemingly endless supply of roadblocks, speed bumps, and detours.

Join the Christ Center teaching team as they explore what God's Word says about the good and bad things that grow in "The Land Between" and how to weed out the bad while nourishing the good.