“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Acts 1:8
Because we value community and the gospel, it is imperative that we live as a body of believers using the verse from Acts 1:8 as our guide. It says to be witnesses to those near us, our surrounding area, and to the whole globe. We strive to be witnesses in the local community through our church building and community events that we do. We serve the county and state through our Chaplaincy program which does emergency response and jail visitation. We seek to serve the globe through our collaboration with Missionaries around the world. You will see a list of those who we serve below.
If you'd like to read recent updates from our Strategic Partners,
check out this blog:

The Benedict Family
Costa Rica
The Benedict’s are a family who serves as missionaries from the United States, from the State of Washington. Called out by the Lord in 2011, to go into the mission field, on a complete journey of faith. The Lord strengthened and prepared us, as He asked us to give up our home and sell all that we had to leave the U.S. and move to Costa Rica. We now serve traveling throughout all of Central America and have seen thousands of people impacted by the gospel of Jesus Christ! All glory to God as He continues to establish all for His purpose! It is our greatest desire to be a living sacrifice unto the Lord, and proclaim the gospel to all the world! BENEDICT FAMILY - Justin & Grifyn, Hailey, Adison, Chloey, Makensie, Landen, Levi, Jubilee, Kaeden & Olivia.
You can connect with them:
You can connect with them:
- Email: benedictfamilyministrires@gmail.com
- Website: www.surrenderedlife.org
The Rooyakker Family
Aleena Rooyakker (was Davis) from Cashmere has recently moved to Estonia with her family. Less than 1% of the people there under 40 are Evangelical Christians. Her family is preparing to be part of a church planting team in Tallinn and helping to launch a "Business as Mission lnitiative"--establishing a specialty coffee shop in the heart of the capital city. Their goal is hosting a creative environment for discipleship and evangelism.

The Hopkins Family
James and Valya Hopkins and their daughters are located at the YWAM base in Lutsk, Ukraine. Refugees have come in droves, and they have housed, bedded and fed up to 50 people at a time. Some of you contributed to their purchase of a reliable van, which James has been using to lead teams into war-torn villages in eastern Ukraine, providing tons of food, water and supplies and sharing the gospel. Revival is breaking out-over 4,000 people have come to Christ in the past six months! Let's stand with them in prayer for a mighty harvest of souls!
You can connect with them:
You can connect with them:
- Email: jvhoplutsk@gmail.com
- Facebook: Lighthouse Hope
Brian Paine
Bridgeport, WA
Over thirty years of my life have been devoted to teaching, coaching, mentoring, and supporting kids of every age. As Area Director for Okanogan Valley Youth Dynamics my mission is to invite and challenge youth to a lifelong adventure with Christ and His church. We want to see the unchurched youth of Chelan, Douglas and Okanogan counties transformed by the power of Christ, integrated into the local church, and impacting the Kingdom of God. As an encourager, my role is to build relationships, through networking and strategic partnerships, with kids, leaders, volunteers and churches in our model of adventure-based youth ministry.
You can connect with him:
Email: bpaine@yd.org
Facebook: houseofpaine43
You can connect with him:
Email: bpaine@yd.org
Facebook: houseofpaine43

The Robertson Family
Spokane, WA
Zander and Shelby Robertson serve with Proclaim Aviation Ministries on loan to Moody Aviation in Spokane, WA. They equip students for service on the mission field using the unique tool of the airplane. While their main focus is the technical field of flight training, they also have the wonderful opportunity to learn from, love, and invest in students and their families during their training time in Spokane.
You can connect with them:
You can connect with them:
- Email: Zanderandshelby@gmail.com

Upper Valley MEND
Upper Wenatchee Valley
Upper Valley MEND is a human services organization dedicated to meeting the housing, hunger and healthcare needs of people in the Upper Wenatchee Valley.
Christ Center supports these ministries through our regular tithe and offerings.